5 Benefits of Choosing Offshore Development Center in 2020

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What is ODC?
Offshore Development Center (ODC) is an office located across the world. It has a pool of software development experts and specialists who work for a software development company (located in some other part of the world) at a comparatively lower price.
The offshore development center is a complete workspace that has the required infrastructure and technical experts with required skill sets. The outsourced development team consists of remote developers, UI/UX designers, IT specialists, testers, project managers, and many other roles with the desired technical background. The project manager of the ODC team directly reports to the onshore team of the software development company.
Let’s have a look at the top 5 benefits of choosing an offshore development center in 2020.
Key Benefits of ODC
1. Access to Talent Pool
As compared to the market demand, there is a substantial shortage of software development specialists in countries like the US, UK, and Canada. Hence, finding the right talent is limited in such countries. Many businesses or companies hire employees with insufficient technology skills. No matter what the company size is, the offshore development center model has a solution to this problem.
2. Reduced Development Cost
Low software development cost is an important factor for using the offshore development center model of remote staffing. The salary of a programmer working remotely in countries like India is much lower than the programmer working in North America and West Europe. This lures companies to locate their ODC in countries where the average cost of hiring for remote IT jobs is much less than countries where the companies are located.
“ODC model saves the average development cost up to 40% to 60% of the original cost in developed countries like the US.”
3. Faster Product Delivery
Another key benefit of using the ODC model of remote staffing is faster product delivery. Working with the offshore development center has the benefit of using two different time zones and the overlap time of those time zones. This allows you to easily reduce the time-to-market of your software product. Having a hybrid software development team can help you to fast track your project to achieve the competitive edge on your competitors.
4. Improved Efficiency
The efficiency of outsourced employees is much higher than that of onshore teams. It was found that-
“Most of the employees believe that remote workers are much more productive than onshore workers.”
Improvement in the efficiency of the ODC team has led to the increased productivity of the company. You must know how to manage the remote team effectively to increase the productivity of your ODC team.
5. No Upfront and Infrastructure Charges
Using different ODC models of remote staffing does not require any upfront investment for workspace, infrastructure, and tech talent hiring. You just need to contact the right service provider (like Your Dedicated Developers) and onboard a dedicated resource for your project. It is suitable for all sizes and types of organizations.
ODC in India
At present, India is the most preferred offshore development center. Worldwide businesses that require a perfect professional online presence along with offshore programming and web development services, give priority to Indian ODCs. These centers offer highly skilled and experienced development professionals/designers who can deliver unrivaled services at an affordable price without compromising the industry standards.
Software development companies can select the Indian offshore development center based on the knowledge and skill-set of professionals and the size of the project team that delivers the project within the specified timeline.
The major factor due to which companies are outsourcing to India is the time zone advantage between India and other countries like the US and Europe. Moreover, the cost of the workforce is less in India as compared to any other country. Indian ODCs invest in setting up and maintaining their infrastructure, which is why they provide cost-effective services that enable software companies to get better value for their money.
Your Dedicated Developers company is an offshore development center in Chandigarh, India, that has highly skilled and experienced developers with extensive knowledge and technical expertise. The company offers its dedicated development resources on a part-time, full-time, or hourly basis according to your unique project requirements. YDD has a highly-interactive, team-based environment with a transparent approach to project management. The YDD team ensures to maintain complete transparency during the entire project development process.
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